Jack Gigstead, Remodeling Design Consultant, and Alan Shefchik, New Construction Design Consultant, recently hosted a presentation at NWTC - Sturgeon Bay, entitled "Living Comfortably in Your Home Longer".  The presentation, part of NWTC's "Learning in Retirement" series, featured ways to make your home more usable, more comfortable, and safer, both now and for years to come.  They reviewed advances in home design and state-of-the-art products that can make it easier for homeowners to maintain the freedom and independence that comes with living in their homes longer - even as their physical needs change.  The information was beneficial to homeowners of all ages and abilities.

Jack highlighted the ability to adapt these concepts into existing homes through remodeling and renovation, while Alan explained how many of these features and products can be incorporated into a new home, while still in the design stage.

If you have any questions or would like more information on these concepts, please contact PortSide Builders in Door County at (920) 746-1092, or in the Fox Valley at (920) 727-4874.